Hal Lindsey

Sid: My guest by way of telephone at his home in the suburb of Los Angeles California Hal Lindsey. Now Hal if I was to ask you why you sincerely believe we’re in the last generation, we’re in the last days what would your answer be?

Hal: Well, it’s a combination of many things that have been fulfilled like the most important and key sign against all odds the people of Israel have returned to their ancient homeland and become a nation again. That started the fast track for all prophecies that fit together. Then there’s the rise of the United States of Europe which I said would take place to become a revived Roman Empire. The rise of power in Asia with China, India, Pakistan, North Korea all of them nuclear armed. The fact that there are a number of general signs that Jesus said would increase toward the time in concert together toward the time of His return. And He said that they would increase like birth pains they would grow in frequency and intensity. And I’m talking about the fact that He said that there would be wars and rumors of wars. That’s His way of saying hot wars and cold wars, that nation would rise against nation, ethnic group would rise against ethnic group. He said that earthquakes, great earthquakes would increase and certainly we’ve seen a great acceleration of activity in that. He said that there would be famines and we now live in what is called the age of famines there’s always a major famine going on somewhere in the world at all times. He said there would be great plaques and I know that we thought that our old embassies of diseases was finally broken when antibiotics came out. But now there are virulent strains of these that have developed immunity to even our most advanced antibiotics. And WHO World Health Organization says we are always on the brink of some worldwide plague. And now add to that biological warfare. Jesus said also that there would be a change in global weather patterns. And the book of Revelation talks about killer heat waves. You know in Europe just this last summer they’re now tabulating that more than 20,000 people died from the intense heat that hit Europe for the month of August. So these are the few of the things that Jesus said would increase in frequency and intensity in concert with each other towards the time when He would return.

Sid: Now tell me something about because you deal with this in your video a country that we know is a player in the end times but we don’t think in terms of that right now China.

Hal: China is I believe the sleeping giant that has been awakened. Revelation chapter 16 speaks about a great movement from Asia that would come into the war that starts in the Middle East when a Russian led Muslim evasion hits Israel. It says that “The kings of the east shall come and cross the ancient boundary between east and west the Euphrates River.” That they would come into battle with and then have to connect that with Revelation chapter 9 which talks about the number. John says “I heard the number 200 million soldiers that come from Asia to this battle. And it says that “God has appointed them to kill a 1/3 of the population of the earth with fire, smoke and brimstone.” Well, I think that that was a lst Century description of the use of nuclear weapons. Smoke being fallout…

Sid: I have to ask you a question. On an earlier broadcast you talked about the prophets like they wrote say the take the book of Revelation they literally saw this happening. When you talk about this experience or Revelation 9 A third of the world’s population being killed I see you really getting choked up on this video, are you almost seeing this?

Hal: Yes, I really you know when I was studying and praying on this I got a vision of how many people this is. Now let’s say that this happens in the near future we now have over 6 billion people on earth. The book of Revelation says that the first stage of war would kill a forth of the population so that have to mean that 1.5 billion people would die in a short period of time. And then 1/3 of that remaining would be another 1.5 billion and so within a very short space of time over 3 billion people will be killed.

Sid: You know unfortunately this generation is almost numbed when they hear large number of murders because I read a static recently when people watch television I mean they see so many murders we’re numb to things like this.

Hal: Yes, it’s just absolutely awesome and I believe that we have become numb to the normality of suffering that is about us but the world has never known anything like what is about predicted coming very soon.

Sid: What advice would you give a young family listening to us right now hearing what we’ve been talking about all of this week, seeing that it’s going to be in our lifetime? I mean where do you put your money, you put your money in the stock market in the United States? Do you I mean there’s really no place you’re going to be able to put your money if the dollar loses all of its value which is where we’re headed towards. What advice do you give a young Christian family that’s just starting and their hearing all of these things?

Hal: I know it’s terrifying but the good news is that if we learn to put our faith in the promises of God; we learn to crack the faith barrier and we learn to say God’s promises as more real than what we see with our eyes and hear with our ears. Then God will give us an inner peace and direction as to how to take care of our family and to give us peace and opportunity to bring 100’s to Christ even in the midst of this turmoil. But the really good news is the promises Jesus made Himself that when the worst of this breaks out we won’t be here he’s going to snatch out every living believer before all of this breaks out into its worst form.

Sid: On the other hand I think that even not the worst that it’s going to be a horrible time to be here without Jesus.

Hal: Oh man, I mean if someone is trying to make it without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ it’s just not going to happen. I mean the most important investment anyone could do is come to the realization that God so loved us that He step out of eternity into time in the person of Jesus the Messiah. And He took upon Himself every sin that we’ll ever commit and He bore His own judgment toward that sin in His own body. And He purchased a pardon for everyone when He did this but we have to claim it, we have to receive it. So the most important issue before everyone today is to receive the gift of pardon, that Jesus the Messiah purchased for them and then he can know that no matter what happens Christ will never leave us or forsake us. And He will guide us through and protect us even in the worst of times.

Sid: And even for believers that are listening to us right now there’s never been a time in history of about what ready to face and if there is known sin in your life I urge you to repent, turn from the sin, turn to God for the power to get free from this sin. Because listen sin blocks intimacy with God. And the Bible says “My sheep hear my voice.” Now if you will repent of those known sins and get right with God I tell you you’re going to hear His voice. And the word of God says “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” I believe that you will be sitting with armies running around you with guns in the worst of times and you’ll be walking in perfect peace. I believe that there is coming such an outpouring of God’s protective canopy over believers that are sold out and that’s the key “Sold out.” I use an introduction “Red Hot” for Jesus because the Bible says “I’d rather you’d be hot or cold but if you’re lukewarm I’d vomit you out of my mouth.” And that’s Hal what I understand it says in the Greek is that true?

Hal: That’s correct; absolutely it says that if we’re lukewarm He’ll spew us out of His mouth.” And that’s what I do not want to be, I want to be in fellowship with the Lord and really seeking to walk with Him every day. And your right sin does break the fellowship.

Sid: Hal, we’re out of time thank you for being my guest.


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