
Sid: There is another flow it’s an outpouring of God’s Spirit that is moving right now; and there are people that not only pain in their neck that they’re being healed of but there’s a popping going on in someone’s ear.  And you had difficulty hearing in that ear or perhaps you were dead; and I say the reason the sound has gone up on the radio or the tape recorder is because you are healed.  But we’re getting ready to blow the grandest shofar, the grandest trumpet in Zion we want everyone everywhere to hear the good news.  We want everywhere to be red hot for the Messiah. And if you follow the keys being outlined this week some of the biggest obstacles to you being red hot for the Messiah to you have intimacy with God; to you being totally free and that’s why the Messiah came.  To you receiving your physical healing and your emotional healing is the teaching my guest from Lancaster, England Peter Horrobin. We’re talking about his book “The Most Powerful Prayer on Earth.”  Peter before we went on the air we were talking about what seems to be almost epidemic problem going on not just in the United States; worldwide and that’s barrenness, or people not being able to have a normal child, and the child dies before it comes to birth. Have you experienced with that and do you have any idea of the causes.

Peter:  Wow, we have experience… and there are quite a lot of different causes. One of the commonest problems, and this is a medically attested statistic is the people who had an abortion in their teenage years, when the get married later in life have a lot of difficulty in conceiving.  And abortion has become almost like a birth control method and there have been so much accepted that young people just get sucked into it without realizing what they’re doing; they are taking a life.

Sid: You know this is just coming to mind one of the highest percentage of abortions per capita in the world is my nation Israel.

Peter:  Hmm.

Sid: And it’s actually a form of birth control.

Peter:  It certainly has been in Eastern Europe extensively for generation.

Sid: Hmm.

Peter:  And when we have prayed into the abortions and asked God to bring healing there we’ve seen it in Eastern Europe with probably 75 – 85% of the women in the meetings they’re wailing as the grief comes out all the pain of the children that they have lost.  And the grief and pain is devastating but that’s another aspect of it.  And what we’ve prayed and for example with women in the US or Australia or in the UK who have had abortions and then later on in life they begin to realize what they’ve done. They’re just devastated that they have terminated a human life.  And they need to forgive themselves and this is another very important issue in forgiveness that sometimes we can forgive others but actually we’ll never forgive ourselves.  We’ll say something like “I’ll never forgive myself for this or that or the other.

Sid: Is it possible to have a deception in that area and to think you’ve forgiven yourself and you really haven’t?

Peter: Yeah, it is but it’s often very very real it’s not so much deception as the reality of people don’t feel but they’re forgivable.  And they are actually denying that the reality of what Jesus died for for them that they may be forgiven.

Sid: But the Bible does talk about unpardonable sin; what do you believe that is?

Peter: I don’t believe there is an unpardonable sin is abortion.  I think that’s what when somebody is actually committed abortion and often have done it without even knowing what they’re doing.  And Jesus saying the most powerful prayer on earth “Father forgive them they didn’t know what they were doing.”

Sid:  Well, my spin on the unpardonable sin is what the Bible says “Grieving the Holy Spirit to the point that you can’t come to repentance to get forgiveness.  So as long as you are convicted you have not done the unpardonable sin but go ahead.

Peter: If you are being convicted of sin the Holy Spirit is at work in your life.

Sid: Right.

Peter: And what we have seen with woman that have been unable to conceive a child is the heartbreak, has been married 6 years, 10 years more and they’re crying out to God. And when we actually take them through forgiving themselves, forgiving sometimes the father of the child, and asking God to release them from that child so that child is safe with God in Heaven.  And that they themselves are then able to be healed here on earth.  The power of God comes upon them and they time and again we get letters 9 months later.

Sid: Give me a real life situation; describe it to me.

Peter:  I was in Townsville in Australia at the end of one of our conferences years ago and this lady came up to me she had only been a Christian a couple of years. She’d gone through a lot of teaching on understanding about healing and understanding about forgiveness and she had been devastated between the age of 12 and 19 by sexual abuse she had been raped, she had almost every single day of her life by other members of her family.  Her internal system was so damaged that her doctors had said that she’s totally barren, her female system is not working, and it’d be impossible for her to ever conceive a child. And that was the situation.  I had an email from her just two or three weeks ago telling the story of how when she got married she believed that what we prayed had happened in her life that God was going to give her a child.  God told her to call this child Elijah as a thanksgiving. This was before she ever knew she was going to get pregnant and she fell pregnant, she had a son; she called him Elijah.  The doctors said “That it’s impossible for you to actually have conceived the child.” They said “Actually having conceived the child.” They said “She was so messed up on the inside” they didn’t think it was possible for her to survive the pregnancy. She survived the pregnancy and Elijah was born.  And I had the email just a couple of weeks ago saying “Thank you for what God had done.”

Sid: Peter, what about people that literally are blaming God for the problems in their life.

Peter:  It’s a common thing that people blame God. We need to actually to say sorry to God.  Sometimes in our teaching we say we need to forgive God; but that’s not that’s not strictly true because God has never sinned so we can’t forgive God for something when He’s not done anything wrong.  But you know there’s many people that blame God for what has happened.  They say “Oh God why did you do this, why did this happen, why didn’t and they blame Him.”  Now the reality is we’re living in a fallen world and all the bad things that have happened have come as a result of the fall and Satan is the one responsible.  And we need to say God I’m sorry for blaming You for what Satan has done and that again just lifts something off us which releases again the power of God within us.

Sid: I’m looking at this powerful book it’s called “The Most Powerful Prayer on Earth” but it’s packaged like a gift and did you do that intentionally?

Peter: Yes, it was packaged in that way so that it would be given to the people who might need help see.  There’s a lot of people who are struggling with huge issues in their life and what they’re asking for is God will you come and heal my symptoms.  And we see this time and time again; they want God to come and solve their problem out.  The reality is that God can’t override that freewill, He’s given us freewill choice we’re made in His image and likeness and God has freewill. And when we have our own choice on choosing to alienate ourselves from the presence and the power of God by bitterness in our heart then we will never be able to receive the healing that God wants to give us.  So what I did in putting this book together I put it together in a way which would actually help people to read very gently without coming under condemnation, and to understand the sort of issues that there are in life which become roots of bitterness and pain. Then help people try to deal with this in a very practical way.

Sid: Now was there specific moment a supernatural moment when you felt God directed you to write this book?

Peter: Yes there was.

Sid: Tell me about that.

Peter:  I was actually in South Africa we have a ministry in South Africa. We took 2 or 3 days out from the ministry to go into the game park and we were looking at elephants and giraffes and lions. And when you’re looking at sort of God’s natural creation something happens to you on the inside you actually release and for me personally to where I can hear God. And as we were driving along there this track in the Kruger National Park God spoke to me supernaturally and said “I want you to write this book, The Most Powerful Prayer on Earth.” Actually meditating upon Jesus worse on the cross and I realized that the most powerful prayer on Earth is the one that Jesus prayed when He said “Father Forgive them.”  And I realized that He couldn’t pray that prayer unless He had actually forgiven other people, and there in the Lord’s Prayer it talks about forgiving other people.   You know after Jesus had given us the Lord’s Prayer He said these awesome words “That if you do not forgive others for what they have done to you my Father in Heaven will not forgive you.”

Sid: So it’s a salvation issue forget just the blessing issue; it’s a salvation issue.

Peter:  Well, it’s salvation is a very broad word you know and the scripture sometimes we think about in terms of just salvation as being saved; being born again. But the same word that’s used for that is also translated to healing and deliverance in places.  And Isaiah 53, Isaiah’s looking forward to the Messiah coming, he’s talking about “By His stripes we are healed and our transgressions can be forgiven.” So salvation and healing go hand and hand and it is a salvation issue absolutely.

Sid: What about a nonbeliever, what affect would this book have on them Peter?

Peter: Well, I carried copies of this book with me on airplanes and so that I can give to people next door to me on the plane and things like that.  I think nonbelievers are inside they actually want to be a believer because there’s a cry in the heart for reality that God has put His Spirit within us. And so often things are so religious that it puts people off; the cant’ cope with religion but what they want is relationship and forgiveness is about restoration of relationship. When people see a restoration of relationship they actually becomes an opportunity for them to try to find salvation and relationship is critical.  God is a relational God and unforgiveness stands in the way of relationship its Satan’s way of preventing people from getting to know God. To say “I’ve been….but they don’t deserve to be forgiven.  You know that’s true because none of us deserve to be forgiven; forgiveness is grace and mercy.

Sid: Oh Peter we’re out of time…

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