Bob Larson

Sid: My guest by way of telephone is red hot for Messiah; he knows too much to be anything but red hot for the Messiah.  His name of Bob Larson; I’m speaking to him at his office at Phoenix, Arizona and I’m interviewing him on his latest book it’s called “Larson’s Book of World Religions an Alternative Spirituality.” I am amazed at two things. Number one how many there are and it’s in alphabetical order and number two how simple he has made this to explain what they believe and why it’s umbilical.  So when you have a friend that said “Oh, I just got involved with Kabbalah” I mean movie stars are into Kabbalah. Bob Larson what would they find out if they read your book of Kabbalah?

Bob:  Well, they would find out that it’s just… the Kabbalah as it’s taught today by the branches the movie stars are into is just warmed over New Age occultism that embodies all types of looking for the inner spiritual, self-reincarnation, talking to the dead.  They would be very surprised to see it that has nothing to do with Judaism.

Sid: No and you know that was the amazing thing when I did my research on Kabbalah and read what you had to say in your book. It’s not even a Jewish thing it’s some man said he found some ancient manuscripts that were Jewish of a famous Rabbi.  Well that’s a bunch of garbage that’s almost like the story of Mormonism.

Bob: Yeah and they carry it a step further because they believe in all types of superstition and you see Madonna, Britney Spears, Demi Moore and these are the people running around with these colored string bracelets.  I mean they’ve made millions off those things, it’s just a piece of string but it wards off the evil eye. There is nowhere in Judaism that it’s taught and that’s occultism clearly renounced in the Old Testament.

Sid: Speaking of occultism, speaking of things that are renounced in the scriptures we were talking yesterday about the movie Star Wars which is becoming almost become a cult type of thing.  As a matter of fact you point out there was actually a survey done of the citizens of Great Britain and for the number one religion it wasn’t Catholicism, it wasn’t an Anglicism, it was The Force.

Bob:  Yes.

Sid: What would happen if we had such a survey in the United States?

Bob:  I dare say if you surveyed young people and you ask them “Is the concept of The Force more of a guiding tool spiritually in your life than organized Christianity?” I know what the answer would be.

Sid: I have a quote the you researched of George Lucas and his quote says “Christ is one of a long long long line of heroes who don’t have fathers. a lot of Greek gods came down and impregnated mortal women.”

Bob:   That’s right.

Sid: You see how he’s trying to water down Jesus.

Bob:  Well, I’ll add to that quote here and I’ll add directly what else he said. “Whether it’s Hindu, Chinese, or Middle Eastern all the mythological heroes didn’t have fathers.  They’re fathers were gods.”  Then he goes on to say and this is rather interesting, “There’s a powerful idea in Buddhism is that life is in the breath.  The road to the force if through the breath, that’s the theme too.”  So admits he’s encompassing Buddhism and this whole idea of the force he’s tied back to the breath.  Now this is what you get in Yoga where it’s called Prana, vital breath is another concept, or key or chi; the idea that energy or breath is something that you can soak up breathe in from the world around you.  Well you and I both know that what people are getting in touch with is occult demonic forces when they do that. That is not how we receive God or Jesus Christ, it’s through faith.

Sid: Bob, I have to tell you a story about myself and this was over 30 years ago I came from a traditional Jewish background. I figured I had my religious base covered and I got into something called Silva Mind Control.

Bob:  Oh, boy.

Sid: And I started but I found out I got more than I bargained for it started growing and they didn’t know how to protect themselves back then and so they’ve made it more squeaky clean today.  But back then they would teach you to invite a counselor or an imaginary friend inside of you. Unfortunately these imaginary friends became real and that’s what happened to me.  And some Christians finally, after I almost died literally, got a hold of me and they said “Sid in your own Tenach, in your own Jewish scriptures, God calls what you’re involved in an abomination.”  Bob Larson, I have to tell you that when I read Deuteronomy 18 it put the fear of God inside of me.  And I don’t know why I was never taught that in an Orthodox Synagogue; I don’t know why most Christians aren’t taught that if they were they might not get involved in things like Star Wars and Harry Potter. I wonder if you would teach a little from Deuteronomy 18.

Bob: Well, I honestly believe that one of the major spiritual forces attacking the Jewish community is the spirit of abominations, and it is that spirit which consistently draws the Jewish people away to false religions and the Holy Scriptures. In Deuteronomy the 18 chapter there are listed what I call 9 covenants of the occult.   

Sid: You know the New Testament says about the Jewish people that “We have a zeal for God but not according to knowledge.”  And because most Christians are not sharing with Gentiles, let alone Jewish people, and most Jewish people turn off a Christian by saying “I’m Jewish, I’m not interested.”  That’s the end of the discussion. The first thing that has power whether it’s God or the devil that comes down the pike we latch on to.

Bob: That’s right, that’s right. Right back in Deuteronomy 18 are all the forms of the New Age, the occult and the false religions and its Genesis. And they may have variations but they are basically 9 areas God says don’t tough. Human sacrifice and purification, seeking the future through nonsense remains like deviation, observing times, planets, eclipse and stars the moons astrology excreta.  Analyzing omens or divination, whether it’s rooms like Harry Potter serpents, entrails whatever; also witchcraft and sorcery.  Then the sixth area is one who charms or cast spells the cemetery has to do with necromancy, consulting familiar spirits.  Then the eight theory has to do with spiritualism the belief that there are unseen forces in nature.  And then finally very specifically the ninth one listed goes back to what it referenced earlier, but it’s specifically condemns psychics calling upon the dead or seeking to speak with the departed.  So you know the devil doesn’t come up with anything new this stuff has been around for thousands of years and he just keeps repeating the same old tricks over and over and over.

Sid: You know what I find interesting going back to that 18th Chapter of the Book of Deuteronomy which listed all these things that God Himself calls abominations. In that same Chapter it talks about one who will come from the Jewish people that will be greater than Moses.  Where as we did not listen to Moses we must listen to this one and it’s talking about the Messiah the Yeshua or Jesus.  Right in the same Chapter with the abominations isn’t that interesting.

Bob:  It is and that’s why the Jewish people in the Old Testament and unto this day continue to have this interest in spirituality, but turn to abominations.

Sid: Hey hey listen it’s not just us Jewish people let me tell you when I was involved in that Silva Mind Control there were nuns and priests and religious people and crosses. Whether you’re Jewish or Gentile it seems Bob as though people don’t know the difference anymore.

Bob:  Well they don’t. It’s this religious syncretism that we have in society; we have lost the idea of the exclusive nature of the Judeo-Christian faith of being one God worshiping one God and Him alone being as Isaiah 43 talks “The God that all that is and that it there is no other God beside Me.”  People today they want to make it up on their own and they want to borrow from a lot of different religious traditions which is what the Jews of the Old Testament are doing. They would get to the Canaanites and the Amorites whoever else “ites” keep borrowing bites and pieces and mixing it in with the true faith.

Sid: It sounds like the New Age to me.

Bob:  It is the New Age and that is the definition of the New Age Movement this syncretism, as it’s referred to, of taking what you wish and adding it into a potpourri of spirituality.  Of course the danger of that is that you lose ultimate truth.

Sid: One of the things that I appreciate about your ministry Bob is that you’re not shy about the deliverance ministry. Out of curiosity, very briefly, how did you find out about its reality?

Bob:  I found out about it when as a young man as a new Christian I traveled the world and investigated other religions and witnessed a number of very demonic rituals and ceremonies in which there was not subtlety to it but it was out in the open.  I came to America and then I said “Lord show me where this is in America.”  And people started coming to me; I made myself available and people would walk up under very ordinary circumstances start telling me their troubles and problems and it was not uncommon for a voice to take over.  Another voice would say “Leave them alone they belong to me, stop talking to them you can’t have them.”  And early on in my ministry I had to make a choice how I was going to treat that as a mental illness or something that was too spooky to deal with or take it head on.  I chose to take it head on and I still take it head on.

Sid: You know with all of these different religions and cults and occult groups that are out there you have to understand concepts more than even names today because the names keep changing.

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