
Sid: We want everyone everywhere to just do two simple things; hear God’s voice for yourself and be obedient.  But there’s so many voices out there; there’s a voice of reason; there’s a voice of logic; there’s a voice of people prophesying to you; there’s a voice of there’s a need so let’s just fulfill that need.  What about my sheep hear my voice? I don’t want to settle for anything short of that.  And in 2005 Dr. Gary Whetstone had an open vision in Israel; and he saw history.  And he saw people marching throughout all of history and accomplishing their lifetime.  And some built cities, some built major, major ministries and he saw the fire burning them up and I don’t want to be like that and he doesn’t want be like that.  In this open vision Gary you saw yourself and what did God tell you?

Gary:  Awe Sid, the real of that vision was I had just finished watching people that I knew being affected by other voices and then going forward and I saw God revealing some were going to fall and everything they built on the earth destroyed.  And I’m watching this with a terror of reality and seeing that which leaders are losing and the fire that will consume what they built.  And then the next thing I’m watching this with aghast because I know these men; I watch my life.  And I’m in this open vision; I standing looking at the eastern wall of the Old City, but I am in a revelation of God completely encapsulating my life.  I’m watching now my life when God spoke to me to stand for my marriage and God restored my marriage after divorce. I watched God say when I gave up industrial engineering it went on the back on the assembly process at a corporation and speaking to me “No me, hear me; do what I say.”  And that’s all I gave myself to and watch God speak to me; I began businesses out of that obedience and they raised up to tremendous growth.  And then God spoke to me to sell them, walk out; I watched God speaking to me and me obeying Him and going on the mission field in Indonesia a major Muslim country and obeying what God spoke.  And I’m watching God speak and speak and speak and speak and speak.  Then I watched my life listening to other people for the purpose of success; plans that were implemented; ways that were brought in; things that I had adopted in ministry; activities that I brought into the church; into our world mission organization; into the Bible Colleges that we opened up around the world.  Things we did and I heard God say to me it was like all of a sudden I’m standing before the Voice of God and He says to me; “If you do not hear My Voice, I will take the candlestick out of its place and that will blow out its light.”

Sid: Now, what does that mean?

Gary:  That means the church, that means everything that God has given to me to build and establish in His Name on this earth He has no problem removing everything that I’ve given my life to serve Him to see remove it from its place on the earth and take out even that which I call “The Life of God” because it wasn’t Him.  The fear of God shock me to the core of my being.  I realized yes I do hear the Voice of God, yes I have heard the voice of God; but I can’t but hear continuously the voice of God today while it is called today.  And every day we live is today, I can’t rest on I heard God five years ago, I can’t rest on I heard God last Sunday, I must know I’m hearing God now.  If God is offering His life in me; if His life is not mine but His life in me.  The church is not mine, it’s His church; if the life of the church is not what I say it’s what He says, it’s who He is.  I mean the whole of my life just was clear and I mean Sid I was broken.  I was so broken by this reality that every department I went through and shut down every department; I sold everything that was involved with it; I had nothing to do with God’s plan.  I mean we just went like a radical severance of everything I could identify…

Sid: Just out of curiosity your wife is co-Pastor with you did she go along with all of this?

Gary:  You know Faye has found one thing to be true in God with me and that is if God has spoken it there is nothing going to stop the God who’s spoken it.  That’s where we were.  She had absolute harmony total agreement and complete commitment to everything God was speaking because she knows this life is not made up of what we accomplish. It’s not made up of what I believe God for, it’s made up of the nature of Christ in me and what He says to do through me; nothing else matters.  

Sid: Alright without revealing names you saw people that you recognized that had great ministries and you saw some of them burning up with fire. Could I ask you because you did this off the air and I didn’t ask you if you’d do it on the air without revealing who could you tell me someone who you actually saw in the vision and you went to and you told them what you saw and how they reacted?

Gary:  I went to this one ministry and I would say without a question everyone that’s in your program knows this person. I said to them this is what I experienced in God and I watched your life and what God showed me is that you walk in the anointing and power of His grace to accomplish these specific things.  But these areas I want to ask you did God say this to you?  And his response to me was this, “Gary, if I could do it all over again I would never have my finances come in the way they come in.”  I said “Wait a minute you can change this.”  He said, “It’s too late in my life the engine is too big that I have created and the way that it is funded is just going to have to continue because I have trained people to give this way.”

Sid: But what good is it if it’s going to burn with fire, so what?

Gary: Beautification that was what I shared.

Sid: You just closed… if God were to tell me today that what he’s built through me was going to burn in fire before the day over I’d start closing it down.

Gary: That was my concern; but the real is the anointing is so powerful in this man’s life.  The miracles, the demonstration of God is evident but the financial means where with things are done is not authored by God.

Sid: I’ll tell you what I’m not a prophet but I’m going to prophesy in my opinion with what’s going on in the world the ones that are going to burn with fire are probably going to go under for financial reasons even before they burn with fire; that aren’t called by God.

Gary: I mean it’s happening the destruction, the manipulation; all the things that have occurred in Christendom to allure people with deceptive practices with just error like “You give $100 you get $1,000 back.  You give a $1,000 this is a prophecy of God to bring deliverance in your life. The means of merchandising and the deception that it is there and the heinous acts of the enemy that men and women are espousing as God.  And the leadership that is affecting people is a deceptive lie; that is what is going forward and completely being consumed.  It wasn’t their works consumed it was everyone that was involved in the work was consumed. It’s everything they did was consumed.

Sid: Okay, let me take you down to a Christian housewife that’s listening to us today.  Her children are a mess, her marriage is a mess, how would this help her?

Gary:  Sid, God is the answer He said to the believing spouse “You’re unbelieving spouse is sanctified; otherwise your children would be unclean.” One believer is sufficient for a supernatural visitation of God’s power to deliver the whole house.  That means the curse that is on the children where they’ve been given away for another for destruction God has supernaturally empowered that one individual with the nature of Christ and the hearing ear of the voice of God and they will do what God’s doing and they will deliver that house.

Sid: And what about the person that has just lost their job, and they don’t know what they’re going to do and jobs are not easy to come by; how would hearing God’s voice make a difference to them?

Gary: Awe Sid the people that are in derision and mental duress under the sense of loss, loss of a house, loss of a job, loss of their cars, repossession; all the things that have such a voice that tries to bring identity and significance and value and esteem and prestige and stability in life are nothing in God. God is capable to take a prophet when the brook dries up, when the food of the raven stops coming to feed him and send him to a widow who is poorer than him and bring the miracle of provision. God’s voice if he followed the voice of man he would never found the provision of God.  But because he followed the voice of God he found all provision and the barrel of meal didn’t waste and the cruse of oil did not fail. That’s the voice of God to everyone today listening; that is hearing distress, destruction, loss, lack. God is speaking “I have the way out;” He’s speaking to you right now.  Today Hear His Voice is a course that will move you to hear clearly and take action.  I know what God’s doing; it’s a set up Sid.

Sid: I believe that, I believe that everyone that is listening to us right now if they’re a true believer they’re saying “I’ve got to hear God’s voice; I have to find out… I mean this is out of my control.”  And you are a blessed person when it’s out of your control; that means you’re ready to hear God’s voice.

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