
Sid: Well, I’ll tell you something after spending a week with Dr. Francis Myles on the radio if you’re not red hot for the Messiah there’ something wrong with you.  But you’ve had some amazing prophesies and prophetic dreams Francis.  For instance on yesterday’s broadcast we found out ahead of time that Senator Obama would be President Obama he would win two terms and what his agenda was for his first term.  And how God had put a seed of faith for him to believe in Jesus within him that if we would stop cursing him with our mouths and pray for his salvation that his whole destiny; the whole destiny of America could be transformed; what a vision.  But then in 2011 you had a vision of the Muslim agenda for Europe what was that?

Francis:  Yes, I went in October 2011 I flew to London to host a School of Ministry and while I was praying at the hotel for the evening service I had a very moving prophetic vision Sid.  I saw thousands of Europeans primarily the Caucasian Europeans standing in long lines with their bags packed at the airport.  Now in the prophetic dream… in the prophetic vision I had the sense in the vision what I was observing was not isolated to one European country it was actually happening everywhere in Europe.  I saw that all the Europeans who were standing in long lines at the airport Sid hoping to catch a plane out of the country had very distressed faces.  So I asked the Lord to explain to me what I was seeing.  He said “Son, what you are looking at is the future Satan has planned for Europe; this is the rise of the Ishmael agenda.”

Sid: So the people that were leaving; why were they leaving?

Francis:  Well, the Lord said that they were leaving because I said “What is the Ishmael agenda?”  He said that the Ishmael agenda is a very up stated plan to take over Europe by Muslim intellectuals.  That while the rest of the world and the news media are focused on the Jihadist who are like the dogs of war.  The real power players God says are moving in stealth to take over Europe and He said many European will be disinherited and driven out of the land of the activity of the Ishmael agenda marches on.” That’s what the Lord said.

Sid:  So in affect people like Christians or like people that didn’t want to be under Sharia Law they were the ones that were trying to leave.

Francis:  Yes, because in the vision they were shocked how dramatically Europe had changed. It was normally a place that freedom loving people could live in and they was leaving the country to migrate other nations.  So when the Lord showed me this I also saw in the vision many Muslim, many Muslim garb, garb in what seemed an information room.  And they were looking over the map of Europe and strategizing. And I asked the Lord; I said to the Lord “Is Europe already lost to the Ismael agenda, is this no hope is this all Europe lost?” The Lord declared “No, I have a plan to thwart the Ishmael agenda, I will raise and Isaac Church to stem the rising tide of the Ishmael agenda in Europe. As my people rise up and pray I will raise an Isaac company in Europe who will restore the ancient wells of revival in Europe just like Isaac was able to re-dig up the wells like back in Abraham’s day.

Sid: But if people do not pray what will the agenda be from what God showed you for Europe?

Francis: Well, just listen just a couple of days ago I was watching the Bill O’Reilly Show and there was showing this group in Europe that’s risen they try to because this group is rising to defend this.  It was rising to fight against the spread of radical Islam in Europe and this man made a startling statement on Bill O’Reilly. He said “Do you know Bill that 48% of the London Stock Exchange now is owned by Muslims.”  He said “We’re about to lose our country.”

Sid: Oh, that’s amazing because almost half of FOX News is owned by Muslim’s right now that they were even allowed to say that.  But if it’s not stemmed in Europe what’s their agenda for America?

Francis:  Well, remember if it’s not stemmed in Europe; if it’s not stemmed in Europe America and for the historically, politically America and Israel have always been able to depend on their European Allies. Imagine when Europe is under a Muslim agenda Israel and America are now prime targets for a lot of terrorists attacks because they’re Allies; their tradition allies the European no longer has a strong voice in their own voice in their own countries have been taken over.

Sid: Now tell me about the Jewish revival God showed you.

Francis:  Yes, yes the Lord said to me that son the year 2012 to 2022; He said to me this is going to be the decade of destiny it’s going to be called.  He said to me this 10 years are going to be called the Golden Years of the Melchizedek Priesthood.  He said that in this decade the Body of Christ is going to enter into its greatest understanding of its priestly and kingly destiny and as a church we discover the order of Melchizedek there will be a whole new way of presenting the suffering servant of Isaiah; our Messiah to the Jewish people.  Because most Jewish people historically because of the way Christians in the crusades treated the Jewish people the word Christ sometimes tends to have a negative affect with the Jewish people.  If they could see that the Messiah is also the Melchizedek who intercepted there the member of Judah that they respect the most, Abraham.  It would give them a whole fresh look; a whole fresh look that has not been contaminated by history that is authentically Jewish in terms of experience.  He said “You are going to see the greatest harvest of Jewish people during the next 10 years.  During 2012 to 2022 you are going to see more Jewish people saved in the next 10 years than you have ever seen at any time since the day of the Apostles.

Sid: Well, you know Francis sometimes I’ve wondered “Lord why and I’m 72 and my heart’s desire and prayer to God is that Israel would be saved; why are you giving us all this equipment at my age?”  All of a sudden we have technology that is the finest technology in the world; we’re going to be able to broadcast on every cell phone that is a smartphone in the world live in high definition.  I mean “Why God are you giving us all of these things” and you’ve just answered the question.  Because the next decade is going to be the decade of when the spiritual scales are going to come off the eyes of Jewish people.

Francis:  Yes yes, that’s what Jesus said.  He said, “This next decade as I’m restoring the understanding of the order of Melchizedek.” He said “Son not only will the church itself change its stature because it will understand its kingly and priestly destiny; the Gentile Church will rise in power and rise in stature.”  But He says “I will go after the descendant of Abraham in the natural because in the next 10 years I will represent myself; they will know me as a Melchizedek who met with their ancestor; whom they’re beloved ancestor Abraham.  They said “When the scales fall in the next 10 years that you are about to see.”  I’m excited because I mean I love the Jewish people but when the Lord said this He said “Watch these next 10 years you are going to see more recorded salivations of Jewish people coming to the Messiah than at any time since the day of the Apostles.” I’m like “Wow!”

Sid: What has God shown you about the increase of the miraculous; not just by the superstars on TV but those that have the Superstar inside of them; Jesus.  What is God showing you?

Francis:  That there is about to be such a collective manifestation of the miraculous in the Body of Christ that we have ever seen before.  Because what happens is this that when the Body of Christ realizes that our highest calling… this is very important.  Our highest calling is throughout the Bible is not to be a apostles, it is not to be prophets; it’s not to be teachers because all of these five-fold ministries the Bible says will pass away.  Do you know the only thing that remains when you get to Revelations Sid is that we have been bought by the blood to be kings and priests unto God.  Apostles don’t get into… when all the gifts cease Sid what remains forever and will never change it says we will be kings and priests unto God.  And when we enter that realm we are going to begin to experience the authority of the priestly authority and the kingly authority of the believer mixed together like a double barrel gun.  My God that is a recipe for miracles.

Sid: But you know what?  If someone doesn’t take care of restoring their genetics or as you call it their genetic salvation they’re going to be sabotaged from walking in their destiny in what God has created us to do.  I’m so excited about your book and 3 CD’s.  The book is called “Breaking Generational Curses” and you will break every curse permanently all the way back in your genes; all the way back to Adam.  You will understand for the first time who you really are; you’ll walk into the blessings.  Most Christians Jewish or Gentile don’t understand the blessings of Abraham; has that been your experience Dr. Myles?

Francis: Yes, you know most of them don’t understand the blessing of Abraham and so what happens is…the Lord said to me “Most of my people when it comes to the blessing of Abraham are short selling themselves.”  Because the many people think the blessings of Abraham is having a nice car, living in a nice house.  Which God wants  his people to do all of that Sid but the Lord said the 8 ingredients to the blessings of Abraham that money cannot buy that…

Sid: I’m sorry this revelation…

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