
Sid: My guest is red hot for the Messiah, why because God has given him revelation on end times that I have never heard anyone discuss before; it comes from the book of Zechariah.  And it talks about a Quartet of four entities that will be raised up in the last days that will have amazing unity to come against Israel.  This Quartet had its first meeting. Tell me what’s the consequence Dave Brennan?

David: They did on April 30th 2003 the Quartet met for the first time. It was the brain child of George W. Bush he got together the United Nations, the European Union and Russia with the United States and they met for the first time in 2003.  It was a long awaited meeting and when they met on the very day they met, what is described by weather experts at that time as the worst weather in US history began.  It included some 562 tornadoes over the course of just about three weeks which is just incredible. Also over 1500 hailstorms were sighted during that time.  After that struck the United States, the European Union, or I should say Europe because I would say the European Union was involved with the Quartet. Europe began experiencing the worst heat wave in over 250 years and it was a devastating event.  It involved some, excuse me, about 5200 lives were lost which is just incredible and tragic.  And you know we had something occur in 2010 to Europe as well, in Great Britain on April 14 an organization referred to as the Advertising Standards Authority came together and said “Israel could not run advertisement, tourism advertisement in Great Britain depicting the Western Wall which is located in Eastern Jerusalem as part of Israel saying that “No it’s really Palestinian essentially.”  Well, that’s an assault on Israeli sovereignty of the land promised to them by God.  As coincidence would have it a volcano on Iceland the name of which I will not try to pronounce looks like a monkey hit a typewriter and stayed on it for a while it blew it’s top; something it hadn’t done in almost 100 years.  And the results was the tourism traffic was shut down for Great Britain because of the all the ash and smoke over the Island as well as elements of Europe as a whole.

Sid: You know over and over these events are occurring, but the thing that disturbs me the most is the anti-Israel sentiment of the current administration. For instance, when Obama first took office and he made his first trip to the Middle East you point out that he didn’t go to Israel.  When he made his second trip to the Middle East as you pointed out he didn’t go to Israel, and then when Netanyahu came to visit him he made him come in the back door, why was that?

David: You know there is a strong bias against Israel within the administration. I’m not sure of the reasons that President Obama has for being that way but I’ll tell you this, one thing that I look at is how there is almost a case, a case can actually be made that the Obama administration has derailed negotiations instead of being an honest broker between the parties, and this is why I say that. If you look at one of the first things that he did when he came in office was not what an honest broker would do where they would try to bridge the gap between the parties, the president’s administration actually injected a new condition for negotiations to begin between the Israeli’s and the Palestinians.  That condition was a construction freeze in East Jerusalem it was not the Palestinians asking for that it was the US Administration under Obama. Now at the time his supporters said “Well, he’s not sure what he’s doing that was a silly mistake.”  But it’s not the only time he’s done something like that. He actually jumped in and gave a speech on May 19th of 2011 the one that we had talked about in a previous session where Netanyahu was coming to town to make a big offer for peace in the Middle East. The President instead of waiting to hear what Netanyahu had to say came out with draconian terms for peace settlement, draconian against Israel on May 19th the day before Netanyahu was to give his speech.  And at the time this big supporter Alan Dershowitz who is a Harvard Law Professor said “The President’s done it again.” In other words, referring back to the first conditions that they came up with the freeze in East Jerusalem.  I thought that first one was just incompetency.

Sid: What was the second one?                                               

David: The second one was coming out with a proposal for peace in his May 19th speech that was so strongly anti-Israel that it killed any chance Sid what-so-ever for negotiations, and negotiations never took place.  It’s a negotiator or honest broker bringing a negotiating item that is going to kill negotiations. That’s essentially what took place.

Sid: So we see that the administration is really sabotaging the peace efforts, being anti-Israel I don’t even get it. What’s your spin on this, why?

David: I think what is happen is this, and I point this out in some real detail in three chapters in the “Israel Omen Two.” Is that you know you can reasonably conclude that the administration has done everything it can to spike negotiations to prevent negotiations from taking place.  What that did is, it effectively forced the issue into the United Nations, the United Nations just increased the status of the Palestinian cause within that body.  I believe that is the goal, I believe the goal is to continue to kill any chance for negotiations very subtly but effectively and force it to the United Nations where he can say “Well, I didn’t do it, it’s the United Nations” that’s what my gut tells me there will be granted a Palestinian State through the UN at some point. But I do see a clear effort to actually prevent negotiations. I’m not the only one, his supporters I take Alan Dershowitz as one that indicated that because he said “It’s the second time the President did it after his May 19th speech” so it’s not just critics of him but his supporters see it.

Sid: You know we were discussing before we went on the air Dave of the supernatural things that had to occur for President Obama to win the election, tell me a few.

David: Yes, well Sid he is the most amazingly lucky politician if that’s what it is ever.

Sid: No it’s not luck it’s supernatural.  Tell me what happened.                          

David: Okay, you have a storm that interferes the the Republican convention it shortens it by 25%, it pushes the keynote speaker Marco Rubio the Hispanic from prime-time. Romney really needed the Hispanic vote to win, it was a disaster for the Republicans.  People were focused on the storm, it caused disarray it really impacted the Republican effort that’s number one.  Number two, I intensely followed the polls leading up to this election and Romney had at least a two to three point lead going in to Hurricane Sandy.  Sandy strikes an unusual storm actually similar to the Perfect Storm that hit 1991 that we were talking about.  They compared it to that storm, it was so odd.  It strikes days before the election and you can watch the polls shift a minimum of 2%. That’s the second good fortune, the third or supernatural.  Project Orca, Governor Romney’s effort to get the vote out has a super computer they pump 40 million dollars into it and the result was on election day it broke down. They reported having over 30,000 campaign workers ready to make phone calls that could not swing into action.  There’s articles out in various publications that I don’t have those right in front of me at the moment but if you look up project Orca you’ll get the jest of what I’m talking about.

Sid: So these diabolical supernatural events catapulted President Obama because from what you’re telling me if that supercomputer program hadn’t broken down then he would not have won most likely.

David: I believe that the supercomputer had project Orca not broken down and there hadn’t been a Hurricane Sandy strike at that time you know once in a 100 year a Perfect Storm type crazy storm I think Romney would have won. I think it took both of those and my own opinion of studying it.  But that’s only resent good fortune or supernatural intervention that has helped this particular President. You go back to his senate race he was a US states senator running for the US Senate that had no shot, he was running in a Democratic primary against a guy who was going to wipe him clean who was very well funded and well established and that guy resigned, he pulled out from some scandal.  The Republican was equally powerful, he pulled out from some scandal. It was then just Obama essentially waltzing into that position.  Then if you look at that history of the individuals who have been keynote speakers at democratic conventions no one as a state senator since the early 80’s has been picked to be a keynote speaker but they picked Barack Obama when he was a candidate for the US senate that speech propels him to win the primary…

Sid: How about defeating Hillary and all of her machinery, that should have never happened.  This is the most amazing supernatural things that have catapulted him.  Let’s talk on tomorrow’s broadcast about what you see happening in the future just like you do in your books.

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