Sid: My guests by way of telephone from their home in Shallotte, North Carolina is Clarice and Ronnie Holden. In their own words their just regular ordinary people, but Ronnie found himself fighting for his life. God began to download in his wife Clarice  how to battle the unseen world. He was literally given 3 hours to live; he was in a horrible auto accident; he should have not lived. While his wife and friend, and the church was interceding for him, he was actually in a coma for 21 days, and he had a visitation from some angels. He also had the angel of death show up, and they stopped the angel of death from taking him. What happened next Ronnie?

Ronnie: Well one night I was on the boat, they took me down to the boat…

Sid: The angels literally took him on this boat, okay.

Ronnie: I spent the night there, it was a 100 ft. schooner, I could see it from my window at the hospital. I had all this fruit to eat; I had cold water, ice water to drink because I hadn’t anything to eat or drink in almost a month. They just took care of me. Then one night, I think it was when the doctors told my wife I wasn’t going to live through that night. They came and they told me Sid “Were getting ready to leave and make a trip to the other side. If you’re ready to go we’ll take you you’ll never hurt again when you get there. The voice may get rough on the way, but we’ll pack you a whack, and you’ll never hurt again.” My wife she said she’d been hollering at me, shouting at me to fight, I had to fight I had to come out of this. I told them “My wife is at the hospital waiting for me, and she really wants me to come back and I really need to go there. So I decided not to go.” I don’t know anything about be given a choice to live or die, but I was I think, and I chose to live.

Sid: Okay, put your wife on. I’m so glad that he chose to live because I wouldn’t have this book in my hands right now. Clarice it sounds like you were not going to give up no matter what. Is that right?

Clarice: Absolutely.

Sid: What advice would you give someone that is listening to us right now who has been given a death sentence by a doctor, let’s say cancer. What would you tell that person?

Clarice: Get a hold of the word of God and claim every promise He gave you. Go into a no doubt zone. I had no doubt around me, I would not let anybody say or think another thing around me. You know several people came to the hospital to see him and to see me, but if I felt like they were not right with me I wouldn’t let them in. There was one day Sid I had gone down into the cafeteria, and this lady, a very well dressed lady and put her tray down beside me and started talking. She says “I can’t help but notice you’re in the same boat I’m in.” She said “Your husband came in about the same time mine did, and their intensive care.” I’d not seen the lady before, and she says “You know their telling me my husband won’t make it.” I looked at her and I grabbed my tray and I got up, and I said “Mam I don’t know about you, but mine is gonna make it and I just can’t sit here,” and I left. I just knew that I could not even entertain a thought of him not being well. I just know that if there’s someone out there today that’s being given a sentence by a doctor that you’re not gonna make it, remember our heavenly He is in control and He will help you through this. He did me, and I know He is not a respecter of persons.

Sid: Tell me about the day that your husband was ready to leave the hospital because he was healed.

Clarice: That was a glorious day. Our niece’s husband came and he picked him up, and we were coming home.Our sheriff wanted to have an escort, but I had asked someone if this lady I had met in the hospital if she could sing Amazing Grace, and she said she would. He was rolled out the whole sidewalk was lined with doctors, nurses, physical therapists, janitors, everything. She started singing Amazing Grace, there was not a dry eye out there. We could have had an altar call, but I know that it was only God’s amazing grace that brought us through this.

Sid: Now just out of curiosity you told me about a specific doctor, Doctor Maxwell, at first would not even agree with you that your husband would live. Have you talked with him since your husband was healed?

Clarice: Oh I certainly have. A year later he called and wanted to come down, he brought his wife to meet us, and he brought his camera. He wanted to have his picture taken with us, and he said he watched Ronnie as Ronnie moved around; he was amazed. His wife said to me “He never brought home any patients, he never talked about his patients.” She said “He talked about us every day.” He said “Honey I’m so worried.” She said “How’s Mr. Holden doing?” He said “I don’t know he’s more dead than he is alive, but his wife is who I’m worried about. I go in there at 3:00 in the morning and she says ‘Doctor Maxwell doesn’t he look wonderful?’”

Sid: He didn’t look wonderful why would you say that?

Clarice: Because I didn’t see him as he was, I had faith. You know I had to look beyond that because I knew he was gonna be healed. I know that sounds crazy, but that’s what I saw.

Sid: Sounds like faith to me.

Clarice: It was faith, but that doctor he says “You know I will never forget you.” He had our picture taken with him. He was the chief surgeon for trauma. When Ronnie went back for a checkup one of the other doctors, one of the other doctors came in first and he looked at Ronnie he walked out. We heard him talk and he said “I gotta go get doctor so and so, he doesn’t even look like the same man.” Another doctor would come in and they’d say “Well we’ve got to go get Doctor Clancy, they’re not gonna believe this now we’ve got to go get Doctor Maxwell.” They walked in and they looked at Ronnie they said “This is not the same man,” but that was the man I saw.

Sid: Last thought.

Clarice: That is so important that you do not doubt. That you will hold tight and walk what the word of God says, and just set yourself in agreement with that word and hold on, and don’t look to the left, and don’t look to the right, look straight ahead; don’t be deterred by nothing or nobody.

Sid: Ronnie Holden I would like the last word from you.

Ronnie: Sid I would just like to share with everybody what God told me about His mercy. I didn’t deserve even to live, I didn’t deserve what I have, but God had mercy on me. All the things I’ve done in my life, as mean as I’ve been, I was a scoundrel and God took mercy on me and healed me. All we have to do is call out, it’s so simple, some people just look over it. You call out to God and God will answer your prayer, He answered mine. I’m alive and well; I’m a miracle. I know God’s power, I know God’s peace…

Sid: I’m sorry were out of time.

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