
Sid: I have to tell you I am so excited, I’m excited to get this into my hands this tool I’m going to talk about, but I think I’m even more excited to get it into your hands because it’s going to totally change your life.  You see my guest Dennis Clark right after he became a believer he had an encounter with God; and God said that He was going to teach Dennis how to pray.  Oh, wait a second you said that to God or God said that to you?

Dennis: He said it to me as a prompting like ask me to teach me how to pray.

Sid: But you thought you knew how to pray.

Dennis: Yeah, but I already thought I knew how.

Sid:  So why, but I did it anyway.

Dennis: I did it anyway.

Sid: I would do the same. Then God said to you something that you now know it’s true, but you didn’t know at that time.  And it’s true for everyone that’s a real believer, that’s the most amazing thing and God said to you.

Dennis: “I’m giving you My undivided attention.”

Sid:  How would you like God to say that to you? “I am giving you my undivided attention.”  Well, I can tell you for the next 30 days God almost dictated a course that allows you to have communion with God, to communion with Him 24-7.  Dennis I have to ask you this question, what is it like to be communing with God 7 days a week 24-7. What is it like?

Dennis: Well, obviously its bliss but it didn’t start that way; it started in a way that there was such a strong awareness to God that there was some things that I would pick up that weren’t godly that I didn’t want to know about.

Sid: What do you mean? I don’t understand.

Dennis: It was like I could feel other people’s hurts, I could feel their sorrow, their anger regardless of their body language and regardless of their words I could feel in the atmosphere the things that were not of God and I wrestled with it.

Sid:  And today you counsel and you told me when you have a husband and wife and their feuding and both tell their side sides of the story you know something beyond their words, what do you know?

Dennis: Correct it’s like what their spirit’s saying what they’re not saying; the emotional flavor of words tells you’re the source.  And if the source isn’t good you can tell what kind of not good that is because everything is compared to the presence of God.  And every nuance of any negative is based on knowing the nature of the legitimate.

Sid: So what you have found is most humans because of learned behavior are good actors and actresses and to cut through all of that you have to have the gift of discernment operating, that’s what you’re describing.  There was a woman that came to one of your meetings Dennis in 1997, this is an educated woman, she had a PhD, she was a psychologist, and she was a counselor and you had a really tough case of someone that walked up.  And she’s thinking to herself “I would have to have this woman in counseling for years before she would ever get better.”  And in a matter of minutes her life was transformed and she said, “I got to meet this guy Dennis because what he just did I want to find out how to do this.”  Now when she walked up to meet you at the end of the meeting did you have a clue that she was going to be your wife?

Dennis:  Yes.

 Sid:  Yes!  Oh come on now you know too much.

Dennis: I know, that was a season of total miraculous revelations coming from all different directions.

Sid: So this woman walks up and did you hear in the spirit that this is going to be your wife?

Dennis: Yes, yes I knew.

Sid:  I hope you were smart enough not to tell her that.

Dennis: Oh, I was.

Sid: (Laughing)

Dennis: But she saw that lady.

Sid:  Tell me what was wrong with that lady.

Dennis: That lady basically just had a meltdown it was a group of about 100 people and she just… people were praying and she just heard certain things.  From her point of view she had everything, I’ve got that spirit, I’ve got that and the next thing you know she’s writhing on the floor and so I said, “not to make a big scene here,” I just walked over and knelt down and I whispered and dealt with some emotional healing.  She was a believer I dealt some mental strongholds brought them down and some demonic deliverance, all within I would say less than a 20 minute period.  She stood up on her feet with a countenance change with a smile on her face and everybody was saying “We never saw anything like that, that’s fast.”  And that was I think Jennifer’s key to later say, “When we’re done I want you to pray for me.”  And that was a phrase that God had given me that said “You’re going to know your wife because she’s going to ask you to pray for…she’s going to pray for you and ask you to pray for her.”

Sid: And here’s the most wonderful thing what he’s about to tell you is that he did for the woman that became his wife everyone that takes this course can start moving in this realm.  It’s you know what it’s so easy I think we needed the devil to get us confused on walking in the presence of God 7 days a week 24-7.  When your wife, she wasn’t your wife yet, but when she asked you to teach me how to do this and then she had results what happened to her when you taught her how.

Dennis: When I taught her, well at first she says, “I already dealt with this, I already dealt with this,” and then she realized that there was a lot of turmoil on the inside of her that she really hadn’t dealt with as toughly as she thought.  She had prayed pray after me prayers but they didn’t all take.  And all of a sudden she recognized that in applying herself we would pray 20 minutes after work 4 to 5 days a week and in 2 months time people that knew her a lifetime could not believe the change.  That’s where we even said the 60 day challenge we call it because Jennifer was radically transformed in 60 days, she didn’t recognize herself.  Matter of fact she says “I can tell you stories of our ministries, but I am the story.”

Sid:  Now, are you finding that people that take your seminar or buy the tapes and the workbook without you being there are able to get the same types of results?

Dennis: Absolutely.

Sid: Tell me one person that comes to mind.

Dennis: That got the same results, just apart from that we’ve gotten people that…oh there was a Navy Seal out on the West Coast that when they opt out the hard difficult training they go in and the expression is they ring the bell, they say “I want out, I’m opting out.”  What I didn’t know is that sent them to the chaplain and the chaplain used our teaching and told him he says, and he came in and he says “That commanding officer had it in for me,” he said, “Close your eyes, who is the first person?”  He said, “My mother.”  And he forgave his mother and got dramatically healed and this chaplain was reading it off of a card.

Sid:  The thing that and I have to be candid I haven’t taken this course yet but I’m learning by just reading the book.  I’ve read the book and I’m looking forward to taking the course, but just reading the book it’s like just some paradigm changes that I’ve made in myself because it’s not that complex, I mean when someone goes through your course all of sudden they can operate in discernment.  And in this day and age we’re living in I don’t think people are going to make it without being able to know the difference between their mind and the flesh and the spirit.  And here’s the thing that’s so amazing to me, let’s take your wife, when she began to commune with God 24-7 she got healed of a number of conditions.  What was she healed of?

Dennis: The first one was… were lying in bed and she had I can’t remember the exact name attack arcadia or some sort that she had had for twenty some years where she took…

Sid: Heart condition.

Dennis:  Heart condition.

Sid:  Where probably the beat speeds up or is irregular.

Dennis:  If it doesn’t stop you just die there’s no cure and her late husband was a physician and he said, “I’ve never seen anything so bad.”  And she had to take Digitalis and if it ever started and even that didn’t guarantee.  And she have episodes from age 20 to age 50, she had episodes on a monthly basis.  We’re lying in bed and all of a sudden I could feel demonic fear in the room. Nobody said a word, I said, “Jennifer, what are you doing?”  She says, I’m having one of those episodes and I said, “Let’s receive.”  The fear in the room is tremendous, I said that it’s at demonic proportion it’s not soulish; it’s demonic.  So she received forgiveness right while she was having a heart palpitation “I receive forgiveness for allowing fear something God never gave me” and she got peace on the inside but felt fear all around her.  Let the perfect love of God from the inside cast that fear off and she did it; we’re talking 10 minutes and found out it’s been 15 years now she’s never had another episode again.

Sid: Now this is not unusual; what Dennis is explaining is once people get his teaching and basically this is not taught in most churches, why is this not taught in most standard teaching, standard discipleship in every church in the world?

Dennis: I think the number one thing is that we found that everything needs to start with the emotions, the emo-cognition, emo-volitions.  Those emotions control your thinking, those emotions control your…

Sid:  Woops we’re out of time we’ll pick up here on tomorrows broadcast Mishpochah.  But I want you to take this course, trust me on this; it is so life changing for you.

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