Sid:  My guest, David Herzog is going to mentor you on walking in the supernatural, in particular the glory of God.  Now a Jewish person’s right by inheritance according to Romans is of the Jew, is the glory so when they encounter the glory of God for the first time in their life the spiritual scales totally melt.  Now David Herzog you always wondered a question; I want you to answer that question today, “How did God make something out of nothing?”

David:  Awesome question, I found this out that basically He really didn’t make anything out of nothing; He made it out of something, but it’s invisible.  So there’s invisible things that are things you just can’t see them.   Because I always thought “How could you make something out of nothing and how can I explain that in my class in high school, they’ll mock me; I don’t even understand it?” One day God said to me, “Well no actually I used invisible ingredients to make visible substance.”  The two ingredients that are invisible that God used if you look in Genesis 1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” number one you can say the Spirit or the presence or the glory began moving over the waters.  So you can’t see the wind, you can’t usually see the Spirit of God or the presence of God; but it’s a real substance.”  And the second thing that He created He put sound; you can’t see sound but it’s a real solid object, scientist confirmed so, sound is solid like a rock but it’s just small.  And when sound and glory come together it creates visible substance like a laser light and sound.  So when you get in God’s glory, which it’s invisible for most people and then you speak a word of knowledge that God shows you but that’s also invisible, those two invisible substances when they bond together creates a visible miracle.  Like in the glory I’ll say “There’s a lot of body parts floating around this place, in the name of Jesus I declare tumors go or weight loss, and as I’m saying that my invisible word will attach itself to that body part that I see in the glory realm that invisible and when it attaches suddenly you can see it, you can see the gold tooth, you can see the hair growing.  So basically when you’re in the glory your body parts there in the glory, but to extract it from the invisible to the visible realm many times it’s a faith, but a word of knowledge will do that.  Inside every body part there’s atoms; inside the atoms you go smaller and smaller it’s a sound wave; that sound wave in every body part has the ability to hear and respond to human voice commands.  The Bible talks about that, Jesus spoke to a fig tree, He spoke to wind and waves; and scientists have confirmed it recently that they’ll speak to water particles or different atoms different atomic particles and they’ll actually respond to even a scientist.  How much more us that have God’s glory and authority and we’re saved; we have authority and dominion over even body parts.

Sid:  In your book “Glory Invasion” the revised version you talk about how people are translated in the Bible to one place and they find themselves in another place, or times is compressed.  Someone does a two hour trip and it takes five minutes.  How is that done and give me one example in your life.

David:  Okay, first how it’s done when you’re in the glory God begins to bend time, so let’s say if you had a piece of paper and you took one edge of paper as point A and the other edge of papers is point B.  That’s your distance of travel.  And then above that paper you can’t see the invisible the air let’s say, that the glory.  In the glory there is no time, so say you are driving your car and you got a three hour drive like it would happen to me, and all of a sudden I’m worshipping and as I’m worshipping the glory, the invisible realm comes on my car, in the glory there’s no time.  And point A and point B if you fold that paper suddenly become the same location, so in the glory time is bent what normally would take three hours can be done in a couple of seconds, miracles instantly, weight loss normally would take thirty, normally to lose thirty pounds would take all kinds of exercise and dieting for months, suddenly in a split second they lose thirty pounds.

Sid:  You know I heard something really outrageous you recently spoke at an event that a friend of mine also spoke at and he checked with the pastor when they took up the offering every time they counted the offering it got bigger.  And they said, they did it right each time, but it was supernatural; was that in the glory?

David:  What had happen was, the meeting before that when the miracles were flowing I began to decree over the offerings to multiply, I told people to check their purses.  And people one after the other begin coming up and saying “I just gave all my money away in the offering and look what happened, the money began multiplying.”  And people, individual people during the service they kept coming up, I told them to come up and another person said, “I gave everything but $2.00 now I have all these $20s” and so that happened during the meetings when we were having the miracles.  And then at the end of the conference the organizer came to tell me what you just told me that you know the money kept coming, I told the testimony where it happened to us several times and I think he tried to do the same by faith to see if it would happen and I think an angel or the Holy Spirit told him, “Count it again.”  And he said, “Lord it’s so much, I counted it already.”  So he counted it and I had done that last offering the last night when that thing happened and something was on that offering and he kept counting it 3 or 4 times and it kept growing and growing and growing.  Just like the testimony that I had given that had happened to me in another crusade that we did.  So it’s amazing…

Sid:   Well but tell me about that one because I would like that to happen for our people that are listening right now; so there’s power in the testimony; tell me what happened.

David:  Exactly, so I was in Paris, France I did our crusade, I don’t like to use crusade but that’s what they call it, a large meeting with a lot of people getting saved; let’s call it that.  And I rented a big, big building it’s the same building like Benny Hinn would use or the Argentinean revivalist or you know John Arnott, or Morris Cerrillo, this was a big building that rent for these guys when they come to Paris.  So I just rented it by myself, the Lord said, “Do it, Ruth Heflin prophesied it.”  I give the guy a check, I say “Here’s a check, don’t cash it until Monday.”  Now I don’t recommend you do this, but I did this because this is where I was at the time.   And glory came, everything was great, miracles, signs and wonders.  But by the time we counted the offering it was not near enough to pay the building and I had already given a check and I said, “Oh my gosh Lord, I’m in trouble here I thought you told me to do this.”  And the Lord said, “If I can do miracles by decree I can do money miracles by decree, it’s the same thing but aim it at the money.”  So I commanded the money to multiply and then I told the counters to “Count it again and count it several times and keep commanding the money every time you recount it.”  And I got a call from them and they said, “You won’t believe David we counted and it doubled, we counted it, it tripled, we counted and it quadrupled.”  And then it was more than enough and then they stopped and I guess they should have kept going and then we had more than enough to even reserve for the next crusade.

Sid:  What would happen if you pray for money to be multiplied right now, what would happen?

David:  God could do it, especially here’s the secret though it they’re givers.  You know when you sow it multiplies so that’s the secret if you’re a giver it’ll multiply.

Sid:  Okay, someone that has just given some money is listening to us right now.

David:  Yes.

Sid:  I would like you to pray that there be a multiplication in the glory.

David:  Yes, Lord, I just decree and I can feel and know that this glory realm is here and those that are listening and they’ve been giving and I decree over that money to multiply supernaturally, to appear even in places they never thought it would even in their bank accounts and their wallets.  I decree also huge, huge, huge financial miracles involving properties, business, contracts.  There’s someone listening and they’re about to lose their business but God’s about to give them a huge, huge contract.  I see anywhere between one half a million dollars to several million dollars.  I just decree that right now in Jesus name, properties to see that they couldn’t sell for a higher price than they thought they would get.  And just favor with their jobs, anything involving finances I decree supernatural miracles, multiplication and favor Father God.  We thank you and release it; angels that operate in the area of provision over them right now in Jesus name.

Sid:  And we might as well release the angels that get rid of pain right now because pain of all kinds especially in the hands, pain in the hands from carpal tunnel to arthritis in the fingers to any wrist problems, pain in the hand is gone in Jesus name.  And pain in the back is gone in Jesus name.  In the hip…

David:  In the back.

Sid:  Yeah, yeah especially David I think if you pray for the sacroiliac now it will go into place, pray it right now.

David:  I command the sacroiliac to go back into place and I see also the disk in the lower backs, the L3, 6 and 9 those particular ones going right back into place right now in Yeshua’s name.

Sid:  David you said you have been supernaturally transported in the Spirit, briefly tell me about that.

David:  Oh yeah several times, one of the famous ones I like to tell is the one when I was in Paris driving to Belgium a three hour drive Friday night, my car breaks down because I put the wrong gas, I put regular instead of diesel.  So got it towed, got it emptied, got the right gas in it worked, that was a miracle, but now it’s 7:30 and my meeting was ½ hour ago and I have a three hour drive so I’m not going to make it.  So I call the pastor and I say I’m so sorry tonight I’ll come at the end of the meeting about 10:30 or 11:00 just greet the people and I’ll continue tomorrow.  So I get in the car I begin worshipping it’s me and Jesus just having a good time, I’m not worrying about the traffic because I’m not preaching in my mind.  And then the glory gets stronger and stronger and I feel lighter and in 45 minutes of this kind of worshipping suddenly in a split second I’m in Belgium.  And I pull up in front of the church at 8:15.  It’s impossible in the natural and the worship is still going on and Pastor couldn’t believe it, he said “How did you get here did you take a helicopter?”  And we realized I had been transported we looked at it it is logistically impossible even if you were speeding as fast as you could go you couldn’t do it in forty-five minutes, it’s a three hour drive.  And it was bumper to bumper traffic Friday night between the two countries, so that was the first time.  Another one was an eight hour trip across the whole country of France and we were worshipping, and suddenly two hours into the trip we were suddenly there so again it didn’t take two hours to get transported it took two hours to get into a realm of glory where we could get transported in a split second.

Sid:  You know David so many prophets that are friends of mine are prophesying horrible things that are going to be happening economically, and morally, and everything you can imagine in the United States of America.  But guess what walking in the glory realm and proclaiming what God tells you trumps no matter what’s going to happen in America.

David:  Exactly, it’s your safety net, I mean imagine if you knew something evil was coming your way or someone was coming to get you or persecution and you had the faith that God could transport you in that split second to another…

Sid:  Woops, we’re out of time.

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