SID: Hello. Sid Roth here and I’m with Walid Shoebat. And he told me things that I’ve never heard before, such as, tell me the correlation between Allah and the crescent moon.

WALID: When most westerners read in Isaiah 14, where it talks about Lucifer, look at the English translation: Lucifer. I go to the Hebrew. The Hebrew says [Hebrew], “How art fallen from Heaven.” [Hebrew]. “Hillel” is the word for brightness and it’s also the Aramaic, Hebraic, Arabic word for “crescent moon”. So you read it in context. “How art that fallen from Heaven, o crescent moon, sun of the morning star.” So there’s the crescent, there’s the star, there’s the symbol of Islam itself as in the name of Lucifer. Let’s not forget in Isaiah 14 it continues to say, “When he’s captured,” this Lucifer, this Hillel Ben Zohar, he’s judged. People will look at him and say, “Is this the man that made the earth tremble?” They say this is the rebelliousness of Lucifer in Heaven. When did Lucifer become a man? The anti-Messiah, the Antichrist, no question.

SID: Okay. What about Allah? What are the various names for Allah? What is he called in the Koran?

WALID: He’s called many names.

SID: Tell me a few of the names that we’re interested in right now.

WALID: The interesting names of Allah is [Arabic] [Arabic] in the Arabic. In the English it means “the greatest of all deceivers.”

SID: Really?

WALID: Absolutely. In fact, there are prayers in Islam of having Allah give you the gift of cunningness. So some of the names in Allah in the Koran is also [Arabic], “the most proud one”. So this is what I’m trying to say.

SID: So who’s going to be the Antichrist?

WALID: You mean his name?

SID: His name or where will he be from?

WALID: Everyone who tried to figure out his name was wrong.

SID: For sure.

WALID: I think I know which country he comes from.

SID: Which country?

WALID: He comes from the country of Turkey, no question.

SID: That begs the question, we are taught that the Antichrist is going to rule the world. You say different.

WALID: No. He can’t rule the world. Because if you look at several places in the Bible he fights against other nations. In Daniel 11, Daniel 11 gives us the best description of the Antichrist. He declares war on the what? The strongest of all fortresses. Well the strongest fortresses or the strongest military minds in the world is not the Antichrist, it’s someone else. In fact most Westerners hardly if ever study how the Antichrist falls. When you ask a typical western Christian, how does the Antichrist get destroyed? Well Jesus breathes on him and that’s it.

SID: Why?

WALID: Well there’s more to it than that. That’s the command by the way of battle that the Messiah orders. But the destruction of the Antichrist is in Ezekiel 28. He’s number one there, the Prince of Lebanon, the prince of fire. His destruction, in Verses 8, 9, you can continue on, it says, that “God will raise nations and those nations are the most terrible of the nations militarily, and they will destroy him, and they will throw him into the pit.” In Micah 5, God raises seven shepherds and eight principal men to fight against—

SID: Who are these seven shepherds and eight principal men?

WALID: Well no one knows them yet. But they are definitely mentioned in the Bible. Let’s not forget, even the Antichrist has basically seven horns, 10, three plucked out of the root. What remains? Seven. So you have seven good leaders versus seven evil ones. Seven will stand with God. Seven will be against God. So in this essence, Micah, Chapter 5 is a mystery to people today. But it is seven nations that God will raise. They will rule the most powerful nations militarily, in the world. Let me maybe suggest, how about America, while many people think America is doomed.

SID: Is America going to survive?

WALID: I believe so. It’s such an edifying message when I hear America is doomed, America is finished. We’ve been through a depression before. We’ve been through all kinds of things before.

SID: Just briefly, because I want to know the answers to these. Is oil mentioned in the Bible?

WALID: Absolutely. How can anyone deny Isaiah, Chapter 34, in which God destroys Edom Let’s not forget.

SID: What is Edom?

WALID: Ezekiel 25.

SID: Edom is what, what country?

WALID: Arabia. Absolutely. Because Ezekiel 25 tells us, Edom is from Teman to Dedan.  These are biblical cities that are in Arabia. And then in Isaiah 34, it says about this place in Arabia, it becomes, “what a burning pitch. It will burn forever and ever.” I mean, Arabia will burn literally. It will be destroyed. Even the Bible tells us what nation destroys Arabia.

SID: What nation?

WALID: Iran.

SID: Wow.


SID: This is making sense now.

WALID: Yeah. In Isaiah 21, Isaiah 21, you look at the reference. “Babylon has fallen, has fallen.” That should ring a bell. That’s the same reference in Revelation 14, Revelation 18, regarding the mystery of Babylon. Who destroys it? “Arise O Elam.”

SID: What’s going to happen to Iran?

WALID: Iran will eventually be destroyed.

SID: What’s going to happen to Egypt?

WALID: Egypt, the Messiah is going to come down and fight for the believers in Egypt. There will be persecution of the believers in Egypt, Christians.

SID: They already have persecution in Egypt.

WALID: No. I am talking about major persecution. I am talking about persecution like you had with the Jewish people in Auschwitz. I’m talking about major massacres in Egypt. I’m talking about crucifixion, amputations. In fact, how many Americans are aware, one of the bills they’re trying to pass in Egypt in the parliament is what is called [Arabic]. Look it up. Look up my name and look up what I talk about it. The idea of passing laws on crucifixion and amputating of the right hand and the left foot.

SID: You know what the most important thing is? I believe that you’re going to hear revelation about End Times that you have never, ever even thought about. It’s never even been addressed. But what is important than what the order of events will be is, where are you going and whether you have intimacy with God right now. And the way you have intimacy with God is if someone was to die for your sins. Jesus already did. Believe the blood of Jesus washes away your sins, and with your mouth say, Jesus you are my Lord.

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